Baby in yellow the scary one of horror play creepy game


Latest Version

November3rd , 2023

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The baby in yellow – Horror story Simulator - Comics

“Do you ever try to be a babysiter or a nanny of a creepy baby in yellow? Not the normal baby but the one who have a scary power of panic drama? But first do you play a horror story of baby in yellow gameplay? Because all this information you need it in this creepy version of scary baby in yellow.
Our free game is about you as babysiter of neighbor baby, they go out and you should care of their only yellow baby .when they go out your tragedy begins, first you going to see him as a baby in yellow, but when he star feel hungry and sleepy he changed from the cute normal baby in yellow to the scary horror baby in red don’t think you can escape if you scare or you see something creepy, all the doors is locked by the evil power of the baby. There is some story spooky yellow word write on the wall of the house. As a nanny, you have to deal with unruly children. This may be your last… How long will you be in control of the situation?
Your job it will not easy, because you have a scary baby in yellow not a normal baby, he will take you to a word of horror story, you will be the first nanny survive from him of course if you can make that possible, and take care of your self against scary the baby in horror yellow.

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