The definitive parody series mocking .exe genre cliches is now here on Android!


Latest Version

November3rd , 2023
Google Play ID

App APKs

onionsgames.exe - Beauty

“You are alone along a walkway. You spend your time walking down this predetermined path. Suddenly, inexplicable occurrences steer you right off the beaten path into something much more horrid! And then things get flipped around once more because nobody could actually take this seriously.

onions.exe is a parody series of the “”.exe”” genre flooding freeware game websites. There are five installments in all, but these three are now available to play on Android devices everywhere! The three games are onions.exe, butter.exe, and onions2.exe.

Each entry has something new and exciting to behold. There’s no telling what could possibly happen (Unless you end up watching somebody else play or something). It’s the kind of thing that you’d have fun witnessing with friends and seeing their reactions to the situation.

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